Day of Flight

This DVD includes the final episodes, eleven through thirteen. The cover art is the same as the fourth Japanese disc. They're packaged in the same clear cases as before, showing the same white-on-green line art on the inside of the cover. The disc silkscreen is a black-on-green version of this same image.
I will warn everyone, although it's probably too late, that the cover blurb definitely has spoilers in it. Again.

Included with the limited edition is a pencil board. This one has the cover art on one side, and a picture of Rakka curled up on her side on the other. This is one of the images that will be on the wallscrolls.
Again there wasn't a Hakusho, so we're only getting what was in the first volume.

A small booklet is included which lists the chapter stops. The front of it is the cover art again, while the inside is the same as the second image on the pencil board, all just like the earlier discs.

The image and sound quality are the same as before, so I won't bother repeating all that. The main menu this time uses the city of Glie as the background with the clocktower in the view. This time the theme music is "Rustle" from Hanenone.

On disc extras include another art gallery and next episode previews for episodes twelve and thirteen. Again, they're the clips and voice-over, not the original 3D CGI ones. There's an extra art gallery as well, titled "Script Cover Gallery" on the back of the cover. There are what look like several sketches from various people, such as ueda and some of the voice actresses.
This DVD also includes the "Hane Haeterun?" spot, translated as "Got Wings?". It also includes the still image montage that was on the last disc of the Japanese DVD 5.

The main extra is an eleven minute interview with ueda and ABe that was filmed at Anime Expo 2003. The two of them are quite interesting to watch, and there's some good information included.

Copyright 2003 -
Images Copyright Pioneer and/or yoshitoshi ABe unless otherwise noted